Monday 22 April 2013

Just from what I've been told about the movie and images I have seen, our first initial idea we thought of was using the girl from our band which is the leader, and using her as the new 'white witch' we could use lots of furs and maybe the use of a head piece as a crown. The fur is perfect as this is something to promote the autumn winter season which we are styling for. This idea can be broadened as we play on the idea of the white witch and really play around with the styling. This will give dominance to the girl which is usually what is done when there is only one girl in the band.

- for editorial could use various head pieces as crowns
- use of all white which is a trend and symbolises the ice and the iconic status of the white witch
- maybe play on the idea of good and bad as this was a theme in the movie
- the men behind her which is the rest of the band could be dressed uniformly to look like her workers or minions; again this pushes dominance towards her

- M

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