Thursday 23 May 2013

making this photo look like a band

Because this is a street poster for a band we have to somehow make them look like a band. In the editorial shoot we used big headphones sitting around one of the boy's neck and I think we should use this again. I don't want to use a guitar because its so cheesy and intentional like 'here is a group of people and one is holding a guitar so they must be a band'. The headphones are more subtle and people walk around with them around their neck all the time. The way they are dressed though will also be an indicator they are a band, as well as the way they will be posing and interacting.

Here are a couple of images of band photoshoots to help us establish what we should cover:

This is the band Vampire Weekend and because they are so well known it is just obvious who they are. However with the styling it seems to indicate that they are a band. They are refined yet laid back and just little things like the third person's tie isn't done up perfectly and the first person's red watch. It seems very personal and true to themselves.

This band is The Kooks and again there is no obvious indicator that they are a band. It is all through the clothing they wear and how they hold themselves. There is a casual atmosphere in this photo once again and looking at the clothing it is slightly laid back but still polished.

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